5 Great Tips For Naturally Beautiful Hair


Sherrys - Beautiful Hair!When it comes to your hair, you have to treat it with respect. Women with gorgeous hair follow a few simple guidelines. And, keep in mind; ladies who look like they have perfect hair may have not been born that way. Many have strong, silky and healthy hair because they have a few good habits.

Lets check out a few of them below.

  1. Washing Your Hair

There’s a lot of confusion about how often to wash your hair. So, to be clear only a very small amount of people should be washing their hair daily. If you exercise and sweat a lot, have fine hair or you’re living in a hot, humid region of the world, then yes, by all means, shampoo daily.

Everyone else can determine how often they want to wash their hair based on personal preference, hair type and/or styling choices. Remember, one of the reasons we wash our hair is to keep hair product build up to a minimum. By doing this, it keeps our hair soft and springy, instead of dry and brittle.

  1. Use Caution With Relaxers

If you insist on using relaxers, exercise caution. Don’t buy a cheap at home relaxer from your local grocery store, pharmacy or Walmart. Instead, make an appointment with a professional hair care specialist. They’ll be much more capable of ensuring that your hair is treated right.

  1. Trim Regularly

Now, if you are on a serious quest for naturally beautiful hair, you need to make sure you get your hair trimmed on a regular basis. Trimming keeps your hair strong and resilient. You’re also saying good-bye and good riddance to heavy, damaged ends that could result in breakage.


  1. Use Conditioner Regularly

A common reason some ladies have brittle hair is that they don’t always condition or moisturize their hair. If you look in the mirror and your hair strands feel coarse, your hair looks dull then it is in need of hydration from a good hair conditioner.

All you need to do is apply it from your roots to hair ends. Also, comb through for even distribution. A good conditioner will add shine, polish, and bounciness.

  1. Use Other Moisturizing Products Too

sherrys - hair styles and fashionsThe more your hair is hydrated and moisturized the healthier your hair will be. Moisturizing products will not only help strengthen and protect your hair, but give it a beautiful shine as well. Whether using shampoo, hair masks or hair serums, make sure they use all natural ingredients instead of components that will dry out your hair.

No matter what you decide to do with your hair, there’s one thing to keep in mind. Your hair routine should make you feel like you’re the most beautiful woman in the room. If your hair isn’t doing that, then you need to do something different with it.

About the author: Sherry Harris is the solopreneur of Sherry’s Life. On the blog she writes about any and everything related to hair care and hairstyles. Visit http://sherryslife.com and join the newsletter free.

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