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What exactly is a permanent wave?
To perm the hair will be to chemically alter its internal arrangement so that it can take a brand new shape. The form depends on the kind and size of the perm rod used, how much hair is anchored around the perm rod, the tension with which the hair is rolled, and whether the perm pole is set right on top of where the hairs leave the scalp or if the rod is cancel one way or another. The potency and feel of permed hair is contingent on the perm solution used. Perm solutions come in different strengths that range from softer “body waves” to snug, springy, crunchy curls.
Perm solutions are also differentiated by professional hairstylists as either acid waves or alkaline waves. Different heads of hair react better to one or the other; your hairstylist can best assess this in person.
What happens to the hair when it’s permed?
It is a two part process. During the first part after the hair has been wound on the perm rods and the wave solution is applied and left on for a specified amount of time, the protein molecules that give the hair its shape are chemically broken apart. During the second part when the neutralizer is applied to the rinsed and towel blotted hair, the protein molecules are rebonded to take on the shape and diameter of the perm rod. This permits the hair to assume an S shape where the hair waves back and forth along the shaft of the hair and the end of the hair ends in a curl.
The size and strength of the S shape are the perm. However, not all the protein molecules are broken with a perm wave solution, and the neutralizer cannot entirely rebond the hair. This is the reason most perms require a period of time (24-48 hours) before the hair should be shampooed so that the oxidation process can finish rebonding the hair. This is also why a perm relaxes during the first few shampoos after a perm.
Are permanent waves actually permanent?
Yes, the are, until the hair grows (at the rate of 1/2 inch per month, on average). Remember, however, that perms usually loosen up to 25% within the first two weeks after a perm with shampooing and ordinary attention.
Why should you consider a perm?
Not all of today’s perm alternatives result in little kinky curls. Hairstylists have a variety of solution types and strengths, and the back-up instruction and support from the makers. Perms today are often proposed for fashion support and to add volume and/or feel. Consider getting a perm if you just can not appear to get the fullness and hold you desire. Think of perms as yet another tool toward satisfaction.
How should you take care of your perm?
Immediately following most perms, don’t entirely wet your hair for 48 hours. If your hairstylist tells you otherwise, follow the hairstylist’s directions. You can lightly mist it with water and scrunch it if it flattens out. When the right quantity of time has passed, use a shampoo for chemically treated hair and use a conditioner. See our Product Recommendation Guide or ask your hairstylist for aid. While the conditioner is on, use a broad tooth comb or a pick to gently comb out tangles. If you blowdry, don’t pull on the hair too much and keep the blowdryer on a low setting, or you may let your permed hair air-dry. Styling aids are suitable to hold waves in position and to relax any frizzies.