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Tips for a Dry Scalp
Tips for Caring for Your Dry Scalp
Do you suffer from a dry scalp? Regardless of if this is a new issue for you or you’ve been plagued with it for years now, it can get better! A lot of people have the same issue, you aren’t at all alone. Most of these people also probably think they have a great hair care routine, and that may just not be the truth at all in fact. Hair is more complicated to care for than it seems on the surface. A dry scalp can ruin your confidence regardless of how good your hair may look. The itchiness and dandruff are uncomfortable, frustrating, and just flat out annoying.
There are a huge number of factors that could cause your scalp to be dry, it’s not a simple thing caused by one particular thing. They include but are not limited to things like cold weather or overusing your shampoo. Now looking online you’re going to be overwhelmed by all of the potential treatments, we’ll let you know what works. This guide will help you learn some tips that you can incorporate into your hair care routine and get that dry scalp cleared up. Here’s where you need to start.
Dry Scalps Affect us All
Investigating what could be causing the dryness: To be able to treat your dryness you really need to figure out WHAT is causing it in the first place – here are some of the more common things it could be. Fungal infections and eczema are common, excessive use of styling products it never good for your hair health. The use of styling products that contain alcohol as part of the ingredients, that will dry out your hair and scalp very quickly. A lack of sufficient nutrients in the body, mostly from poor diet, is all too common these days. Using overly-produced shampoos that contain very harsh chemicals is never good. Going between dry and cold weather frequently can make your hair more brittle. You also need to watch just how frequently you are shampooing and washing your hair, washing too much is going to strip away all the oils that protect your hair and leave it more vulnerable.
If you’ve gone through all of these things and/or you’re just not sure what to do next, you can always talk to your hairdresser or even your doctor, anyone who may know something that you do not. Here are a few more options for you:
- Using an at-home deep conditioner: This will help you nourish your scalp and keep it from getting too dry. It may not seem like much, but it’s so important that your hair be getting the right nutrients in needs to grow strong. Not only will this treatment help your hair feel better and be healthier, but it should even help it start looking better!
- Change your shampoo: if your shampoo contains any harsh chemicals then it might be time to get rid of it and replace it with a more natural and healthy one. The ingredients in your shampoo alone could be what’s causing you issues. Once you do swap it out just look for any differences, you should see them quite quickly.
- Change your diet/lifestyle: Include more foods that contain vitamin B to your diet. They aid in the production of oils in your skin and this will act as a protective layer for your hair. When it comes down to it, just improving your diet, in general, is going to lead to healthier hair and a much healthier overall body. Cut out that fast food and start eating fruits and veggies. Eliminate unhealthy things from your diet, you truly will be able to feel the difference in little time.
So basically, your dry scalp be caused by any number of things. And more than one possible treatment could be the answer for your problems. To us, the best solution is just changing your diet and eating healthy, and make sure you’re using healthy hair products. It may cost a little bit more over time, but the health of your hair is so well worth it. If you need or want the opinion of a professional hair stylist, Clayton Hair Slaon is a great place to go! Clayton Hair Salon has been doing men’s haircuts for years now and we have the expertise needed to help you hide your thinning hair if that is the route you choose to go!