Hair Salon · Haircuts · Hair Color
New Hair Salon Location in Downtown Clayton
Clayton Hair Salon and Hair by Kristty have just moved as of Nov 1, 2011 to our own new location. We didn’t really anticipate moving until after the first of the year, but things are what they are and we think all of our clients will find this to be a great move for us and them!
Clayton Hair Salon is now located at 214 East Second St in the location formerly (and still a bit) known to Clayton locals as Violet’s. We’re right behind Mulberry on Main and between Horne Memorial United Methodist Church and the new Clayton Police Station – NICE neighborhood!
We want to thank Miss Violet and her husband for welcoming us into their downtown Clayton hair location. Miss Violet will still be doing some hair salon work out of the shop with us and we look forward to seeing her when she comes in. Everything was already in place for us and all we had to do was to move products and some equipment over. Couldn’t have been a smoother move!
To all of our existing clients, come on over to see us! We’ll be contacting everyone as soon as possible to make sure they have our new downtown Clayton address. Existing hair salon appointments will all still be the same – just a new Clayton Hair Salon location!
We look forward to seeing everyone at our new location!