Hair Salon · Haircuts · Hair Color
Clayton Hair Salon is located on 2nd Street in Downtown Clayton NC. Some locations are just associated with certain services and the location of Clayton Hair Salon is the same location that locals have been calling “Violet’s Place” for decades. Violet has been providing services at the current location for Clayton Hair Salon for generations of Clayton and Johnston County residents. Miss Violet still provides services at the location if you contact her directly.
All Stylists and Technicians are independent contractors. Please reach them by their contact information on their individual pages.
Kristty Smith
Hair Stylist
Kristty has lived in the Clayton NC and Johnston County area for all of her life. She currently resides in the Clayton NC area and loves the atmosphere in the Downtown Clayton area in particular. Warm friendly folks make the Clayton area a special place to be a part of. Kristty is very involved in her church, Greater Heights United Methodist, and is particularly active with the Youth group at that church. She has a daughter of whom she is very proud who attended Clayton High School and graduated in 2012, and who is currently living in Wilmington and is studying nursing.
See more Kristty Smith – Clayton Hair Stylist or contact her at 919-795-6742.
Becky Gordon
Nail Technician
Becky Gordon has worked in several locations over the years but has had a presence in the Clayton NC area for several years. You can schedule a nail appointment by contacting Becky at 919-971-3423.